Call Us Between: 8am-12:30pm & 1:45pm-4:45pm
Opening Hours:
8am-5pm, Monday – Friday

How to get the most out of your consult & FAQs

How to get the most out of your consult

Book the right amount of time for your appointment.  We all complain about waiting times at the doctors. Everyone at MMC does their best to run on time, but we need your help!

Seeing your doctor regularly keeps you well and helps to reduce complexity of appointments.

If you have just one simple issue, a standard appointment is suitable. If you haven’t seen a doctor recently, have more than one question or concern or think your appointment may need further tests or referrals please book a longer appointment. Booking the right amount of time is the most economical approach. Multiple short appointments are more costly than a long one and your GP is likely to ask you to return if you haven’t booked appropriately.

The GP s who consult at MMC generally have standard appointments of 15 minutes.

Please advise staff if you require extra time or if you require an interpreter.

The GPs do their best to run on time, usually successfully. Please arrive on time and be sure to avoid non-attendance fees by canceling unneeded appointments with plenty of notice.

In order to bring you the quality health services you deserve, the practitioners who consult from MMC bill privately. This means that all GP services require payment. This includes repeat scripts and referrals and recall attendances. Payment is required on the day of service.

If you’re a new patient, you will receive a text message with a link to fill in your Patient Registration Form prior to your appointment.

24 hours prior to your appointment you will receive a link allowing you to provide a guided overview of issues you would like to bring to your GP or Nurse.

You will be able to add issues using simple terms and will be guided through relevant questions depending on your response. You will be able to add multiple issues. Your privacy will be securely protected throughout the process.

Time permitting, this will allow your GP to be better prepared for your appointment. They will also be able to let you know at the outset of the appointment if they feel they have capacity to deal with all issues noted in the time reserved.

This feature will help to optimise your care. Of course you may opt out of this service anytime, or simply not respond to the link.

At your consultation, be ready to answer questions and have your facts at your recall. Write it down, the practitioners love lists!

Medications, dosages, over-the-counter medications, herbal and nutritional supplements are all need to know for your GP.

Follow Advice – It’s great to get quality advice, but that’s where the work starts. Following your doctors advice may mean lifestyle changes and paying attention to yourself and your wellness. It may also mean changing some behaviours if they weren’t serving you. If you hit a snag (and mostly we all do), make an appointment so your GP or other health practitioner can help you get over the barriers holding you back, or help you find a way that works better for you.

Follow Up – if we recall you on behalf of your GP,  you require further treatments or investigations, your symptoms change for the worse, or your results were clear but your symptoms persist, please schedule appointments in a time frame that will make sure that your health needs are met.

Book Ahead of Time – The health practitioners that work from MMC are amazing so they book up quickly. If you have routine script renewals or need regular appointments, please be sure to book them well ahead, you will receive a courtesy reminder with plenty of time to reschedule if the time turns out not to suit. Repeat scripts and routine referrals may also be ordered online for a fee, without an appointment. The GPs who work from MMC do keep ‘on the day appointments’ for acute and urgent issues, these are only offered after triage to ensure they fit the urgent/acute criteria.. Being organised and booking your routine appointments in advance means urgent appointments are saved for your, and other’s urgent needs.

Communicate With Us – We use texts to communicate efficiently with you, whilst you may opt out, this will affect the efficiency of our communications with you regarding the services your GP provides you. So we’d appreciate you not opting out. Replying to our texts, remaining active in communication with us helps us to help you. Texts that we may send are

  • reminders for appointments
  • recalls for results or follow ups
  • health screening – age checks, cervical screening etc
  • relevant health advice
  • information on new services
  • changes in the services you may access through us

We will not send you unimportant messages.

MMC has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering forMyMedicare, a new voluntary registration system that will help us provide you with great continuity of care. A great, consistent relationship with your GP has been proven to increase health outcomes.

MyMedicare allows you to nominate a general practice and general practitioner as your regular healthcare provider.

Although there has been much media around the government tripling the bulk billing incentive, please understand that even still, the Medicare payment does not cover the cost of providing an appointment.

Patients who register with our practice with MyMedicare may benefit from:

  • access to longer telephone consultations, from 1 November 2023
  • more regular visits from their GP and better care planning for people living in a Residential Aged Care Home, from August 2024
  • connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people with chronic conditions who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.

If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had two face-to-face consultations with us in the last 24 months, you are eligible to register with us for MyMedicare. Registration is easy.

To register as a MyMedicare patient, you can:

  • fill out a registration form at your next visit
  • complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account
  • ask our team to start the registration process – you can then complete registration in your Medicare Online Account.

Ask about MyMedicare next time you talk to us. For more information visit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We live in an age of poor diets, little exercise and high stress. These factors lead to chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers…. It is easy to find ourselves with our health failing, too much stress and not enough energy to do all the good stuff we know will help.

The good news is that your doctor can help. In recognition of the chronic state of its nation’s health the Government has provided programs to assist GP’s to assist us all to manage our health. The Government has identified crucial age groups and risk factors that would benefit from preventative and managed health care.

Every Australian within the identified age and at risk groups is entitled to take advantage of services by entering into a partnership with their doctor to achieve optimal health. Health Assessments (45-49 years and over 75 years) and General Practice Management Plans are tools supported by Medicare that help your doctor and nurses help you.

The GPs who consult from MMC offer comprehensive health care services to assist you to either remain in or to achieve your optimum level of health. They offer services such as well-women’s checks, pre-employment health checks and the full range of medical services. If you have a chronic condition (6 months or longer) please see your GP for a tailored plan which may include subsidised visits to allied health providers, but primarily is about your GP partnering with you to achieve your best health.

GPs who consult from MMC run by appointment only, you can make an appointment with your doctor of choice by phoning (02) 4968 2157 or book online here.

We do not check our email constantly, please do not email regarding appointments.

If you are a new patient, please book your appointment online here or by downloading our appointing app AMS Connect.

Some of the GPs consulting from MMC welcome new patients. However please understand that community demand on doctors time is currently at an unprecedented level. To ensure they are able to effectively care for their current patients, many of the GPs consulting from MMC have their books closed for the time being. We are doing our best to assist them to manage this situation. New patient appointments are necessarily long so your new GP can get to know you and your needs. The scarcity of appointments means there is often a wait of at least a few weeks for a new patient appointment. If you would like to see a GP consulting from MMC it’s a good idea to do so before your need is acute so we can schedule that long, initial appointment at a time that suits you.

New patient appointments may be made here or by downloading our appointing app AMS Connect. If you need a human, give us a call, we’ll do our best 02 4968 2157.

When booking, you will be asked to enter your bank card details. The cost of a standard appointment will be held securely by our external online booking provider. At the end of your appointment, this fee is released and the appropriate charge for your appointment will be debited from your card. Whether you book online or by phone, the same process applies to your payment.

On the Day Appointments

The GPs who work from MMC save ‘on the day’ appointments for urgent and unexpected health issues. These appointments are only offered on appropriate triage. GP appointments are highly sought after and at times, scarce. It is best to book in advance by 2 to 3 weeks for routine issues to help your GP keep availability for urgent problems.

Checking In

Self-Serve Kiosk – We love to see and greet people, but if there’s a queue, or you just want to, you may check in yourself by using our self-serve kiosk, opposite our reception desk. If you’d like a hand to try it out, just ask. 🙂

Call Us Between: 8am-12:30pm & 1:45pm-4:45pm
Opening Hours:
8am-5pm, Monday – Friday